Last night I made the hugest mistake since I've come to Alberta. My hair's been growing out and for the first time in a long time, I could see my natural hair colour. So I'm like sweet, when I get my hair dyed next [at a salon] I'll go back to my normal hair colour and that'll be nice. Maybe put some light brown streaks in it, etc.

THEN we go to this really cool store on Whyte and Jodi decides she's gonna go like, a maroon-y purple. To do this she has to buy a box of bleach, and I'm thinking... Well, I've always wanted to try blonde. BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER IN ALL OF MY HAIR DYING SCEMES. I don't even want to go to work tonight, I hate it that much! Jenn and Regan haven't even seen it yet cuz they went to bed before we were finished.

So I figure, give my hair a few weeks to breathe, use some hair repair stuff in the meantime. But I have to get this fixed before Erica gets here! No pictures for the next couple weeks... I can't have anyone from home seeing it :-S Siccccck.


Anonymous said...

Brown - 6
blonde - 0
blonde and pink - 3
black - 1

its okay you live and you learn. Though I do need to see at least one pic of your hair blonde <3

Share said...

haha oh my gossssh im too embarressed to show anyone from home! people here like it though :-S

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