Monday Afternoon

I've finally almost beaten Jenn in Monopoly. My brother's skills haven't rubbed off on me at all, and it's been pure luck that's gotten me this far lol.

I've decided that I'm going to be staying here in Edmonton at least through the summer. The next step is to figure out how I'm going to get all of my stuff here and what to do about Maui. I miss her so much, she is MY cat and I want her here with me, especially if I'm now staying beyond April. Jenn's allergic though, she can't be in the same house as a cat which is the only thing that sucks about living here. I feel as if I can't go home for Christmas without bringing her back with me.

Edmonton has really grown on me. Now that I know my way around, I feel much better. Everyone kept telling me that I would miss home and then suddenly, you would fall in love with Edmonton. And I really do love it here... I'm excited for our first snowfall. Soon I'll be able to afford to take short trips home, and once all of my things are here I'll feel way better and fully settled in.

The past week has had it's ups and downs for me. But the ups were really high, I've met some more fantastic people and am starting to really connect to all my roomies. Friday night was super fun... Pictures are in my Facebook "October II" album if you're interested in seeing them. I'm starting to feel really good about being here, and I feel optomistic about this coming year.


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