A friendship goes two ways.
A friendship is honest.
A friendship involves effort.
A friendship shouldn't make you feel like crap.

"I think he may have wanted me to break it off with him so he didn't have to

but I kept trying to make it work and I think he got fed up."

I think it's time.


Anonymous said...

not to sound to cliche

fuck the men
lets drink to us!

ElizabethMary said...

i'm behind you 100% sharon. i've always thought it would be a good idea, but i knew it would take you some time. i'm here when you want to talk/cry/yell/swear/be silent.
love you

Anonymous said...

is that last part a quote from me? --not that I think that anymore, but at one point I think I said those exact words... just curious. and... I agree.

Share said...

actually, laura i was talking to melissa law last night and she said it. and i was just like YEAH that could be the case... or i could just be being really girly and nothings wrong... no idea :-S

and YES regan... if i wasn't at work i would drink to that! that boy sat by me again... i hate that i'm making a friend who's just gonna be moving away!

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