Girls Girls Girls

This year has been one of the first years in a long time that I have many female, close friends surrounding me. And I really appreciate it! Don't get me wrong, it's great having guy friends in your life, but this is the first time I've been completely surrounded by females both here and in B.C.

I've come to really rely on another female's opinion. It's very true that girls just PLAIN understand one another. A guy can nod and smile, agreeing with what you say, but rarely do they speak up with their opinion... rather keeping their mouths shut. Probably in fear that we'll start picking apart every sentence word by word, facial expression, and every movement. Which will, in turn, confuse us more we'll just end up going back to our own sex in hopes that one of them will be able to help us pick apart and explain "what he meant by that was..."

Someone told me earlier this year that it was basically impossible to be good friends with a man. I can really nod and agree with that sentence. Of course, it's easier when said friend has a significant other... There's no confusion, there's no sexual pressure. But where do you draw that line with a single guy? What if there's tension on one end, even both ends? That's not really a friendship to me. Because that person will always have an alternative reason to being your friend. Is it possible to be good friends with a single man? I used to think so... And what ABOUT the whole relationship thing? I'd love to be friends before I reach the status of "couple". Did I just completely vito my previous statement?

Well, until further research I will remain relying on my girlfriends!

Thank you for the phone calls, by the way. I love you!


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