The Five Year Plan

Although I know there are a lot of things beyond my control [what? really?!], there is the occasional goal that I can work towards. In five years I will be 26 years old, which will come fast considering I feel like I was in the eleventh grade just yesterday. Hopefully I will have these following goals accomplished or at least worked on by then.

*** Completely out of debt with student loans & the ongoing bank withdraw machine called "Mom"

*** Get hired by a non-profit organization

*** Go on a trip overseas [this hopefully to be included with the non-profit]

*** Figure out what I want to do carer-wise

*** Either be in school or graduating if I need a degree for the carer I end up choosing

*** Find permanent residence in the lower mainland

*** Be healthy

*** Complete therapy [Or at least start going!]

*** Find a hair color that suits me :-P


ElizabethMary said...

red hair suites you.
so do it. :D

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