Miss Spears

Unless you've been living "under a rock", you obviously know that Britney is starting her comeback. You also must know that she's obvs still on drugs, needs a head shrink, needs rehab, needs Jesus, etc. But I'm rooting for her to pull through. I wanna see her come back like she was eighteen again, looking hot and feeling great. OH and that she's come to terms with her Mom and picked up some parenting skills [DON'T stay up til 5 in the morning when you have the VMA's the next day, DON'T party and leave Tater Tot and Small Fry with the babysitter... Or worse, your "cousin" Ali Sims.]

Here are some videos for your enjoyment that I laughed at. I hope Britney's sitting at home right now, browzing youtube realizing that she needs to shape up. When the whole world is making fun of you, it's NOT a good thing honey. Props to Perez Hilton, Geoff, and Stevie for the findings of these videos.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha that first video made me laugh so hard.
what a dumbass!

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