Day One

It's 5:30am and I can't sleep. You would think that after having less than three hours of sleep the night before, I would be out for the next 24 hours! I guess sleeping on the floor doesn't agree with me... I'm not 12 anymore.

Edmonton is the same but SO different than what I'm used to! This is what's weird for me: I realized today that for the first time in my life, I'll be totally completly dependant on maps, bus routes, and asking for directions. I couldn't even tell you if I'm suppose to go up or down the street to get to the Save-On-Foods that I visited earlier. I'm going to be following Jenn around like a puppy for a while. I've decided to put the Edmonton map [the one that I laughed at when my Mom gave it to me] to good use and tape it to the wall of my room until I'm accustomed.

I like our house. I have my own room, which Jenn is in right now... And I'm in hers just for the night. The landlady had to fix something in Jenn's room, so she's moving her stuff in here when she's done and then I'll be able to put away my stuff. I've only met one of the girls upstairs, Regan. I met her a couple winters ago, but she's nice. Their place is more "lived in" considering she's been there for three years. Our place is really empty, we only have one couch in the living room, a lamp, and a TV. But I think we're getting some unwanted furniture from upstairs so that'll actually make it feel like a home. There's a shed in the backyard, which is like their "Foreman's Basement". It's really cute, they have couches, a radio, a table, carpet, etc. where they hang out a lot.

Driving from the airport into Edmonton was so crazy! There's SO many places advertising that they're hiring. I'm going to talk to Miranda tomorrow and get going on getting a job. I think I'll feel better and more at home once I'm making money.

I miss everyone already! It's going to be hard to get used to a completly new place. My mom and sister have already emailed me about my cat and her weird behavior after getting fixed, and I'm ready to jump on a plane back home. I just wanna be chilling on the couch, watching Daniel and Geoff downing their energy drinks as I play with Maui. I want to be able to look out the window and see Heather and Michelle across the street! I want to be talking to people on MSN who I know I could just drive to their house [and get there in less than 20 hours!!!].

Anyway, I should probably try and get a few more hours of sleep before my day actually starts. Someone kiss Maui for me!


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