Tuesday, January 27th

I'm trying to not let it bug me that I keep hearing things "through the grapevine" and getting messages and phone calls with people being concerned about me. I want to think that people are actually genuinely concerned, but the whole gossip thing doesn't really help. People hear things that aren't true and assume they are, which I can understand. I know I have a lot of trust to build up, but I want to assure everyone that I'm fine. I'm almost over the hump and I've been working really hard to get here. It just kinda sucks hearing about things that "I've been doing" which are completly untrue. I realize that proof is in the pudding, but no one really talks specifically to ME, they talk to everyone else. I listen to music with my friends in the car, I go to the theatre and watch Notorious, I go to Boston Pizza and order a lemon water just so we have somewhere to chill. I'm pretty boring and normal and I have a lot of people to thank for getting to this point in my life. I just hate that people are worried when they don't need to be. <3


Anonymous said...

Share, its a good thing if people worry about you. It may not seem like it to you but showing worriness shows that people care about you, and your in their thoughts. You've always gotten through things but people that are not with you 24/7 only hear and see the negative things. ILU.

I hope this helps in some way <3

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