Thursday, July 3rd

Wow. So if I counted up all the people who are moving to Australia that I know, guess how many it would be?


And that's not including the people who are all "I wanna move there soon".

Seriously. I'm never gonna even visit Australia. It might steal my soul too! What's the big deal about Auz? I understand that it's beautiful, hot, nice beaches, and you don't have to tip, but is it really that amazing?


Anonymous said...

WWWHHHAAATTT? they don't expect tips? that's my kinda country :) don't worry share. I like this country better, I just don't tip if I don't feel like it. (gasp!)

Anonymous said...

so, i asked jon to move to aussie land with me yesterday. lo. andthen i read your blog.
i think its a trend.

Anonymous said...

were thinking about november..... lol

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