thanks for driving out to come be with me. i'm at my lowest and you're always there. always. you know when something's up, and you put me in top priority to make sure i'm okay. i honestly can't express to you how much that means to me. to know i always have someone.

& thanks to the people i talked to at church & at lunch for recognizing that i'm not feeling great. it's encouraging to me to even be asked a simple question like "how are you doing". thank you for the love, and i know i'll feel better by next weekend. it's hard to admit publicly that I'm feeling depressed and super low. so i'm gonna get in bed and tomorrow will be a new day :-) hopefully sunny!

ps. my brother plays acoustic guitar & sings... and he's good. and by good i mean fantastic. he's playing right now and it sounds awesome. i'm really happy to hear that him and his close friends are supporting each other with their music, and it really is so freaking sweet to hear and watch them all do their thing. i'm so excited for them!

keep me in your thoughts.


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