Soon and Very Soon

Oh my gosh, my Mom is so funny. She loves it when i phone I think :-) She loves catching up and her voice is always so happy when she finds out it's me calling [my sister and I have the same voice on the phone... She can never tell us apart]. We were talking about how I'm coming home in five days! And how she had to sleep over in her office the last night of work cuz she worked so late that her car got locked into the parking lot. LOLZ. I'm counting down hour by hour ALREADY to when I get back to BC. I can't wait to see my family!!!!!! And my friends! These days are going by soooo slowly!

Last night was one of the best nights I've had since I've come to Edmonton. And that's saying a lot cuz I've had a TON of great nights here. Regan took me as her date to her Christmas work party. Highlands has employed several of my friends here, so there were a ton of people that I'm friends with plus Jenn came as a date too! Such a nice dinner and free booze allll night long. OH man. Supposedly I look exactly like one of the chicks from Criminal Minds... People there were saying that. Which is funny 'cuz I love her character and I always am thinking I could totally do that role if I was on the show :-P Anyway, the night was TOTALLY RAD, dancing, talking, drinking, eating, drinking, flirting, drinking... Hee hee.

PS. I'm now ALMOST done my Christmas shopping, which unfortunatly for my friends doesn't include them because I'm so poor... But that's exciting news and I'm happy with the gifts that I found. Can't wait for CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!


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