I'm barely awake...
...But I thought that I would make a quick note about how much fun my holiday back to B.C. was. I had so much fun everyday! I'll make sure to recap later, but right now all I can think about it jumping into my new pj's that Jo got me and curling up in bed with my eggnog and a book. I'm so happy I was able to see so many people even in my short time home! And more to come... I'll be knocking on your door in two weeks when I come back AGAIN for my dad's wedding. Hope you're not tired of me yet :-P
7:54 PM | | 1 Comments
I just finished packing...
...And I'm so antsy. I want to just leeeeeave! I wanna see my baby. I wanna see my sibs. I wanna see my momma. I wanna see all the people who I left behind, a certain red head in particular. Oh my gosh, 22 hours won't come fast enough! There's probs no way I'm going to be sleeping tonight. I got the butterflies like two nights ago & I couldn't sleep... Let alone tonight! I've had like less than five hours of sleep for the past three-ish nights 'cuz I'm so stoked! I can't believe I have to work tomorrow morning, it's going to be ABSOLUTE torture! I'll be watching the clock like the whole time!!!
OK, so my current "I AM SO OBSESSED" song is called "Wish You Were Here" [which I don't, cuz I'm coming to you] by Incubus. Oh heart. It's amazing and I've listened to it at least 29 times in the past week [THANKS iTunes!!]. Incubus is so amazing and I've missed them.
Mmm and that's really all I have to say. My tummy is in knots thinking of seeing you all!
7:03 PM | | 0 Comments
What happens when Share has the whole house to herself? She BLASTS music on repeat, jumps into a hot, hot bath and eats some chocolate pudding in the tub. Bah haha, I'm awesome.
I'm working a short shift tonight at work... My first night shift until midnight. Suppsedly it's slow at night so I'm bringing my lappy to work with me! So I'm hoping lots of people are online tonight so I can entertain them with work stories.
I finished the rest of my Christmas shopping today! Man, the malls here are absolutly HECTIC and don't even get me started on WalMarts. I start having a panic attack before I even step foot in them. Sadly, I have to go back once before I leave to pick up some pictures... I've been putting it off but I should go and get them tomorrow.
We're supposedly having a Christmas dinner tomorrow night with Becca's friends... Most of whom I've never met so sounds like it'll be a nice night. I get to bake during the day, it's a potluck so I have to figure out what I'm going to contribute. Me and Jenn are in charge of the main course so hopefully we can pull that together!
4:57 PM | | 0 Comments
Soon and Very Soon
Oh my gosh, my Mom is so funny. She loves it when i phone I think :-) She loves catching up and her voice is always so happy when she finds out it's me calling [my sister and I have the same voice on the phone... She can never tell us apart]. We were talking about how I'm coming home in five days! And how she had to sleep over in her office the last night of work cuz she worked so late that her car got locked into the parking lot. LOLZ. I'm counting down hour by hour ALREADY to when I get back to BC. I can't wait to see my family!!!!!! And my friends! These days are going by soooo slowly!
Last night was one of the best nights I've had since I've come to Edmonton. And that's saying a lot cuz I've had a TON of great nights here. Regan took me as her date to her Christmas work party. Highlands has employed several of my friends here, so there were a ton of people that I'm friends with plus Jenn came as a date too! Such a nice dinner and free booze allll night long. OH man. Supposedly I look exactly like one of the chicks from Criminal Minds... People there were saying that. Which is funny 'cuz I love her character and I always am thinking I could totally do that role if I was on the show :-P Anyway, the night was TOTALLY RAD, dancing, talking, drinking, eating, drinking, flirting, drinking... Hee hee.
PS. I'm now ALMOST done my Christmas shopping, which unfortunatly for my friends doesn't include them because I'm so poor... But that's exciting news and I'm happy with the gifts that I found. Can't wait for CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!
11:25 PM | | 0 Comments
I can't think of a title
The house is empty yet again. After having Jodi and Josh live with us for the past couple of weeks, it seems like a tomb in here. I hate spending time downstairs because it's THAT much more dungeon-like than before and at least it's a bit lighter upstairs lol.
The last night that Josh was here was definitley one for the books. I came home from work, and Josh was... kind? enough to mix me a couple drinks. Oblivious to the fact that he has mixed several kinds of alcohol together, I drank a couple shots and after HALF an HOUR was pretty brutely "happy". It was a fun night, but I wasn't so much digging the concequence of the next morning. Especially having to go to work!
I'm so so so stoked for tomorrow... I'm going as a date to some of my friend's work Christmas party tomorrow night, so I'm super super excited. It's gonna be good times... and free booze lol. Look at me, seemingly a total lush. 'Tis the season right? I have a feeling we'll get some good stories for tomorrow night though, it's sure to be a blast!
5:55 PM | | 0 Comments
Jumping Up and Down
I'm getting more and more excited every day that passes to go home for Christmas! Once Josh leaves, it will only be seven more days til I'm on the plane to see my family, friends, and my precious Maui. Twelve more days!
Unfortunatley, we've all been passing around sickness in The Convent. Regan was sick, who passed it to Jenn, who passed it to me and now Jodi's not feeling great. I'm not too worried though, it should pass by the time I come home for Christmas. They were both on antibiotics but I don't think it's really neccessary since every day I'm feeling a bit better. Lots of green tea and no sharing drinks!
Today is Regan's birthday [24!], and people are coming over in an hour to go sledding at the golf course close to our house. It's not THAT cold out tonight, thankfully! We haven't gone sledding or anything since it started snowing, so I'm pretty stoked. We want to go ice skating too! There's tons of outdoor rinks so we're gonna hunt down Val Vil's for ice skates.
I'm still on the fence about whether I'll be staying here for the summer and possibly past that. At this point I could do either/or. I'm going to see what the other girls end up doing in the next couple of months, and if Jodi decides to stay here or go back home after January when she's done school.
5:00 PM | | 0 Comments
Lazy Sunday
First things first: I'm coming home in less than two weeks! How excited are you? I bet you miss me TONS and can't wait to see my freckly face. Well, same here... I can't wait to see your face!
This past week has been SO TOUGH on me. I've had to SLEEP IN, hang out with JOSH, and GO OUT at night. Man, I tell you it's been painful.
Okay, yeah this week has actually been super awesome! It's been a lazy Sunday today though, we're just kinda moping around the house and hanging out. Jenn, Jodi, and Josh made a huge family breaky this morning which was wonderful. All the trimmings and it was nice to sit down with everyone. I've gone and hidden downstairs for some alone/quiet time but I have a feeling I'll be sought out soon enough. They're getting louder upstairs which means they're probs planning something.
Work is still amazing, it's fun talking on the phone. Have you ever had a conversation with an operator? People just love me I guess.
I'm so so so stoked to come home for a few days... I'm hoping that it'll work out to have a night with all my little friends from everywhere since I've been so high in demand latley since I've announced my homecoming. Which of course it feels pretty good to be missed.
Nothing particularly new and exciting to report, just been hanging out a lot, causing a ruckus and having good times with everyone. And yes, last night I did go down to the Tunnel of Doom [which I promised myself I would never do... And will end up doing whenever someone visits since it's ONE OF THOSE THINGS... Visiters get to expierence Purple City and the Tunnel of Doom... Both ARE as exciting as they sound. I think those are exciting titles]. ....Holy Rambling.
Since I really have nothing important to say, I'll sign off... SO nice to talk to my Mom tonight, it's been a week or so lol.
8:36 PM | | 2 Comments
Takin' It Easy
There has been an outbreak of Mumps in Calgary! Oh, the horror. Now, Edmonton is currently getting vaccinated. But welcome to the thought process of The Convent house: Everyone else is getting shots, we would only catch it from "everyone else", therefore no need to go and get a shot! Problem solved.
It has been snowing like crazy all day! Great news for me, I love love love the snow. We haven't been without snow for a couple of weeks now, and more and more just keeps on piling up. It's wonderful, minus the whole no boots thing. That's okay, Iget payed on Thursday, and my first purchase will be a pair of water-proof boots! I know, you can barely contain your excitment for me. Hopefully along with that I'll find a jacket soon-ish and I can return the random snow protection gear from all of my roomies.
Speaking of roomies, we are now a very empty Convent! Jenn and I have our living room back, but along with that comes the emptiness of not having five people downstairs. It's nice to have some space, but I'm feeling the emptiness of not having Warren, Hannah and Maddie around. On the upside, Josh is coming to visit this week... I thought he came in tonight, turns out it's tomorrow night. So that's great, I get to see Josh and it will vill the void of having a very empty house. Amber has offically moved next door, so we're taking in applications of future roomies :-P.
Oooh, some more good news: Becca's parents brought over a bed for me!!!! And not just any bed... a loft Ikea bed! It's so cute. I'm still anxious to bring all of my stuff from home back [looks like I'll be able to bring stuff back when I come home from my Dad's wedding in January], but having a bed is very nice :-) And I can keep it, or we can just move it into the garage if I decide to bring my real bed from home. Problem is my real bed is a queen-sized bed and I'm not sure how well it will fit into my room. Meh, I have a while to decide.
Things could not be going better for me, I'm really enjoying where I am right now. I'm feeling optomistic about my job since I'm getting regular paychecks now and I've been hanging out with more people which hello, always nice to make more friends. I'm now off to Concordia to see Regan's movie debut for her film class! I'm excited to see how it turns out.
4:06 PM | | 0 Comments